Could a Circle magistrate review or correct its own order/judgement?

I have a dispute with an other party over a plot of land. The brothers of the person from whom I bought it are after me instead of settling it with that person. We took this case to the village council and the village elders confirmed it that the person who sold it to me had the right to do so -- it belonged to him. Accordingly, the village council decided the case in my favour. On the other party's insistence, the case was tried in the village council for 3 more times with the verdict given in my favour each time. Following that, the Circle magistrate issued an order prohibiting the other party to not impede upon the activities I carried out in that plot. However, when I was not around, they demolished the reinforced concrete wall I had erected there. It was captured on tape by a neighbour. I did not sue them but they have again brought this case before the village council who have sent me a notice today (24/12/19) asking me to prepare to defend my case on the 26th of this month. The issue is the same -- I was wrong to have purchased it from the person who sold it to me. I have to pay for the plot to his brothers as well. I'm tired of repeatedly being summoned to the village council for this case. I would like to fight it out in a higher court. I'm thinking of giving the village council trial on 26th of this month a skip. What should I do? If I'm absent, and the village council decides in their favour in my absence, could they ask the Circle magistrate to issue an order or judgement in their favour? If yes, would that be reviewing or correcting the order or judgement passed in my favour earlier by the Circle magistrate? Is it legally permissible for the Circle magistrate to review its own order or judgement?