My brother wise is abusive and torture everyone in family

Hi, We are 5 person in family including me. Me and my wife stay in Mumbai before my younger brother's marriage. He stayed with his wife and my wife in Native place. He just got married 8 month before. His had love marriage and the girl was already married one. The girl has separated from her husband and got married with brother. Her previous husband was good and financially sound. Her family is slight better financial than us. We were very poor and having 1 ancentral house which is now on my mother's name. After getting married my brother started to fight with husband and my mother along with my sister which stay far from them whenever she came to visit. She use abusive word to my brother and my mom. She has thrown my mom's clothes. My brother has decided to leave her permanentally. He has contact one good lawyer and he went on one court date. His wife is not aware of his seeking for legal activities. She is like goon, her family member are also from goon family. They don t care about the others. They don't care about the police. My mom went to police and file a complaint but police has not given satisfactory reponse and not even they want to interfere. My brother 's wife used man-handle my mom and my brothers. I am 876 kms away from native so I can not go usually and interfere. require protection of my brother and mother from abusive harrasement. Please advice. She tried to take out my mom from her home. Let me he what we can in the better which to get her divorce without giving her any compenstation without affecting my brother salary. He is not idle me