Date of birth in Panchayat record doesn’t match with SSLC, PASSPORT and other documents

Sir , I am an NRI/NRK (non resident Kerala) working in Gulf for last 16 years since 2003. My date of birth in all my legal documents in India and Gulf is 1.05 . 1976. However, as I need to get a birth certificate for possible migration to Canada, and also for document verification in Gulf, we have found that the Panchayat record is 1.05 . 1975. Further, my name and my father’s name are not written correctly in the Panchayat record. A Panchayat officer suggested me to change the birth year in SSLC and other documents, but I think this wouldn’t be easy as this will have cascading effect on all my documents, and may affect my job in the Gulf for a slight change / correction in the document may cause rejection here. Moreover , the one year difference will affect my future career, job tenure, job placement etc. So I strongly feel that the Panchayat record doesn’t match with my date of birth credentials. In brief, Panchayat doesn’t have my birth record, I should argue as the one that they show me doesn’t match with any of my age of records. I am from Kannur, Kerala, Need an urgent legal help in this regard that I should get my birth certificate matching the age records of SSLC, PUC, PASSPORT etc.