Name difference in Pan and Aadhar

Hi, I am from south India and we do not use full surname, instead use initial as our surname (K in my case). All my educational certificates, Aadhar card, driving licence have the initials as my surname. Now, in my Pan card initials are not accepted as surname. Because of this I am not able to link my Pan card with PF accounts and facing other issues for Pan linking (I already have a pan card with Fathers name as First name and my name as surname and I am trying to correct it). Is it possible to change my name as it is there in Aadhar in my Pancard.I have tried online, but initials are not accepted in surname in PAN application for name correction. 1. If possible to use initial as surname in Pan card, how can I do that? 2. If not, 2nd option is to change my name in Aadhar with my Fathers name as surname and accordingly update the other documents. But will it have impact on my educational certificates? What kind of proof necessary for reference of name change in future? Please guide me with this.