Can i?

Dylan runs a musical concert business, Chess Musicals. Stephen has for the last ten years visited the annual shows. He purchases a VIP ticket for the concert to be held at Liverpool theatre house on the 20th of January for the price of £1000. When paying Stephen fails to notice a sign saying: “Chess Musicals undertake no liability for death, injury or other losses resulting from our service or products”. On the 15th of January, Liverpool theatre house was destroyed by fire. Stephen had paid £1000 to Dylan before the destruction. Stephen seeks to recover the £1000 he paid to Dylan. Dylan argues that because of the fire destruction, he could not continue with the concert and as a result, he is not entitled to recover any money. He further directs him to another notice printed on the back of the piece of ticket that Stephen has signed which reads: “No responsibility is taken for loss of customer’s money if the concert is cancelled.” What would you advise both parties?