I have been into a deal with a web development company and they have not developed the thing.

I have been into a deal with a web development company and they have not given the product in said time that is 1 month, now it's been 7 months and still they have not completed it. Because of it we have lost many things from 5 lakhs funding, and other 1.5 lakh. Everyone lost trust in us, we have canceled many family trips, we should have nearly got around 10,000 user for product in mean while time and many more things happened because of it economically & emotionally. 7 months of out time as been wasted. We have been mentioning about our loses every time to them from months and they have made promises for around 20 times about delivery of product and every time they made promises, we gave promises to our customers, etc(because of it they lost trust on us and many more things happened). I have the recordings of all out conversations with that web development company, emails & whatsapp chat. Price we made deal for website is 30,000 and we paid 12,000 at the start. And along with this a app deal that can range around 20,000. Considering all this and few more, can i file a case for 10 lakh rupees.