Code of conduct violating fundamental rights.
Sections 2.3 and 2.4 of my college's code of conduct are as stated below. I study in an autonomous institute under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. I feel that the below mentioned sections grossly violate my right to expression. Do any of the below mentioned sections deem challengeable under the law?
2.3 Interaction with Media
No student is allowed to interact with media persons, whether from the print, radio,
television or online industry, to convey any kind of information about the Institute. Whereas
students are free to publish works of fiction or write-ups on scientific or cultural matters in
newspapers and magazines (print, audio, video or online), no publication is allowed on
political or any controversial matters. Students wishing to publish, in print, audio, video or
online, on student activities, like festivals, are required to obtain prior permission in writing.
2.4 Presence in Social Networking Sites and Other Online Activities
Whereas students are free to host their profiles in networking sites, no student is
allowed to make any claim to represent the Institute in any manner. No comment, whether
positive or negative, shall be posted about anything related to the Institute in any of the
websites. Internet facility is given by the Institute for educational use only, and should not be
misused. Internet resources are intended only for educational purposes. Each student is
responsible for ensuring that he/she does not violate the Cyber Laws of the country and of
the Institute.