How to acquire my property from father brothers

Although partition among brothers of father has taken place in 2003.but its papers were changed by them several times and so the partition property. They used to get sign from my father and did not give any papers saying papers are being prepared. Father didn't pressurized them as he was in service in some other state. Just year before his retirement they started quarrel and made father that their elder brother has cheated them so they must get partition done as per his advice and have changed father's mindset. Now after we came after his retirement to get our share, those all brothers have started opposing living in home and made us to leave the house. After that we made our new house in village in our partition, but after we made it we have come to know our partition is some where else and we misguidingly made it on someone else partition. Now they have overwritten on original papers and although have their photocopy of original papers and original sign on them. We are not even having it. Now elder brother of father has started not talking to father nor does he tells us about our property. Younger uncle has acquired mango orchard, and farm lands and misguiding us about our partition and exchanging with all our partition even though property Rashid has been issues and have filed case against elder brother property of a main road shop and captured it. Advise so that father's partition cannot be captured by anyone nor anyone can drag in court cases. Now father has retired