
I have a tree dispute with my neighbours.They have a jack fruit tree which is causing problems for us.Its been there for 25 years.Even though the leaves were a problem we didn't complain at the time since we're were nice people and new neighbours.During the last 9 10 years the situation got worse.our rooftop drainage got clogged with its leaves and began leaking inside.we had to spend a huge amount for water proofing.Our relation got worse.Once our sunshade got broken from a branch that fall off a tree.we demanded the tree to be cut.The didn't cut the tree.The just trim off the branch and repair our sunshade.To make things worse our border wall fell one day near the area this tree was growing probably because the roots.Without talking to us they directly went to the panchayath (2012 OUR PLACE WAS A PANCHAYATH) instead of the other way around seeing that our teak tree was also growing near the wall.We followed up with a conplaint.A joint hearing was held we were prepared to cut our tree if they cut theirs but they were still reluctant(making lame excuse that they planted the tree to feed jack fruit their son when he was child).The rdo visited and we made our side clear.Nothing was done and the border wall is still not fixed and in addition they planted a new teak tree near border wall probably for creating future problems.And now our panchayath has been converted into a corporation.And they have filed a complaint against a coconut tree in border .And then an officer came and talked without about the dispute.They talked like it was about the teak tree saying that the tree is dangerous (not specifically saying which tree) and we told about the case already in panchayath .Now an order to cut down the coconut tree within 15 days has come with clause for raising our concerns within said period. Is it fair .We were not even enquired about the coconut tree.Is it fair.what should we do . If the coconut tree was said as the issue we could use wire net to prevent leaves and coconut from falling.(It's been 20 years since we bought the property and our trees were already there.we didn't plant any thing in border .Also a wall was damaged earlierack fruit tree by extending into our border.).