• Benchmark for MACP for central government employee

As per DOPT Order No.35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dt. 19th May, 2009, in Annexure-I, at para 17, it is mentioned that, “GOOD” benchmark for MACP is required upto the Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-. It is substituted as “VERY GOOD” as per the DOPT Order No. F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dt. September 27, 2016 , for all the posts . w.e.f. 25.07.16. As such, though opportunity were given to represent , while furnishing the copy of APAR for the period from 2011 to 2017, that time, there is no necessary to represent to upgrade the gradings to “VERY GOOD” as per earlier O.M.

Now, is it possible to represent the same and whether, the O.M dt. 27.09.16 is correct for the past five APARs to get MACP during 2017?. Pl clarify.

Today i.e. 04.11.17, through HDFC Bank, I have paid Rs.400 to your ICICI Bank account and sent a mail alongwith ref No, pl reply.
Asked 7 years ago in Civil Law

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4 Answers

The Sixth Central Pay Commission in Para 6.1.15of its report, has recommended Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS). As per the recommendations, financial upgradation will be available in the next higher grade pay whenever an employee has completed 12 years continuous service in the same grade. However, not

more than two financial upgradations shall be given in the entire career, as was provided in the previous Scheme.

It is not clear whether you fulfil this criteria or not.

Do note that you can always send representation to the higher authority for the the applicability of the beneficial OM in your favour.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23361 Answers
524 Consultations

Yes, you can still represent at this stage against MACP entry as 'GOOD' and seek its upgradation.

In case the needful is not done, you will have to approach the Central Administrative Tribunal and file a claim petition.

OM dt. 27.09.16 cannot be challenged as arbitrary and illegal as thought it is having a retrospective operation, but opportunity was given to all of you t challenge the below benchmark entry for the 5 years period of 2011-17.

Vibhanshu Srivastava
Advocate, Lucknow
9696 Answers
312 Consultations

Dear Client,

Since the change in the aforesaid will effect from 25th July 2016, and the MACPS administers at 10, 20 & 30 years interval, and in this case if your last appraisal under the scheme was done in 2012 than next 4 years APAR will be counted acc. to old OM.

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

The para 17 of the referred letter is reproduced below:

17. The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness, in

the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-1.Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS

the benchmark of 'good' would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs. 6600/- in PB-3.

The benchmark will be 'Very Good' for financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.

7600 and above.

The contents of the subsequent ruing is givenbelow

:The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in pare 5.1.45 of its report has interalia recommended as follows:

"Benchmark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradation

under AlACPS to be enhancedfrom

, 'Good' to 'Very Goott."

5. The Government has considered the above recommendation and has accepted the same. In the light of the recommendations of the 7 th CPC accepted by the Government, pare 17 of the Scheme (Annexure to OM No. 35024/3/2008-Esa.D dated I0 May, 2009) shall be substituted by the following words:-

"17. For grant of financial upgradation under the MACPS, the prescribed

benchmark would be 'Very Good ' for all the post,. "

6. These changes will come into effect from 25 1hJuly, 2016, i.e., from the date of resolution notified by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance regarding acceptance of the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

From the above it can be seen that the effective date of the said up gradation is from 25th Jul 2016.

Therefore anything to be effected pertaining the date prior to the said effective date shall have effect on the existing order/rule as on that date.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations

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