This Act has came into force w.e.f. 2nd Oct. 1975. Under this Act, prior to implementation of this Act, the persons were holding lands to the extent of 100 Acres or more. Under this Act the landlord was allowed to keep minimum 54 Acres of land as a family holding and excess land has been distributed U/s. 27 of Act to the landless poor persons, belong to Schedule Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Nomedic Tribe, Vimukta Jati, Backward Class category and ex-servicemen.
Hyderabad Abolition of Inamas and Cash Grants Act. 1954
Under this Act the question in respect of grant of occupancy price and ownership as per Sec. 6(1) is to be decided. So also, the nature of Inam as per Sec. 2(1) Is also decided. As per Sec. 6(3), the cases for alienation of the lands under this act are to be entertained and by giving opportunity of being heard, the cases are to be decided.