• Victimisation

I am in a Maharatna PSU and SAP environment. Being in purchase department, all my activities can be viewed in system (SAP). Since my joining in purchase department in 2014 September, I have been placing highest number of purchase orders every year compared to others in the department. My immediate boss every year being given outstanding mark (>91); every year my final PMS being given <91 for consecutive 3 years in FY 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. As a result, I am getting less performance related pay(PMS) and consecutive 3 drops in promotion to the next higher grade. 

Can I file suit for the same and what are the worst consequences to be faced.
Asked 8 years ago in Business Law

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1 Answer

1. if you area aggrieved by the conduct of your employer then you can file case either in high court or in CAT depending upon the situation.

2. There is no requirement to take any previous permission of anyone to file such case.

3. There is no apparent adverse consequences for filing such case.Else every one would have stopped voicing protest agaisnt the injustice.

4. I do handle service matter and if you wish to take my help you may contact me. You would get my contact details in my website - www.acelegalfirm.com.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
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